Carrefour des associations du 6ème arrondissement

Éditos Publié le 10 septembre 2006

Avec G. CollombBonjour à tous, j’étais hier avec Gérard Collomb au forum des associations du 6ème arrondissement, j’ai rencontré des gens passionnants et passionnés.
Quelle vivacité dans la vie associative de ce quartier, que ce soit dans le domaine culturel, sportif ou caritatif ! Bravo et merci à toutes et à tous.

Avec Gérard Collomb


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24 commentaires sur Carrefour des associations du 6ème arrondissement

  1. Theodore

    eb49c193acac419fa400c7d2d27db4fe Independent newsletter from our foreign friends points our attention to your web project. We are very proud to communicate and colaborate with such partner. Don’t be surprised of being noticed. efe8c34e6578cd9de50df71874bcf009

  2. Freddy

    536495c1ad7189d6ed808ae336840b40 Independent newsletter from our foreign friends points our attention to your web project. We are very proud to communicate and colaborate with such partner. Don’t be surprised of being noticed. 691767b1afd362c5c783946de5291453

  3. Semaj

    bfc007b5e2e0848654a3e884d3d7bf20 Independent newsletter from our foreign friends points our attention to your web project. We are very proud to communicate and colaborate with such partner. Don’t be surprised of being noticed. 663fa60e86e0f14dcb8203deea7589a2

  4. Agustin

    ba7526496dfcba369385c70501d6f4a8 Independent newsletter from our foreign friends points our attention to your web project. We are very proud to communicate and colaborate with such partner. Don’t be surprised of being noticed. 61a3eb2c07c65b5b622d221b1afab5dd

  5. Yosef

    ac274db48ec979d31110267ec38e1efa Independent newsletter from our foreign friends points our attention to your web project. We are very proud to communicate and colaborate with such partner. Don’t be surprised of being noticed. a7345a2401db6d4445ae5486345e4936

  6. Jacob

    583eabdbde7045ba60114bd85dec022e Independent newsletter from our foreign friends points our attention to your web project. We are very proud to communicate and colaborate with such partner. Don’t be surprised of being noticed. 0a772a6fc7843e88d2291ad32d3a38f7

  7. Nathanael

    a2ad222cebe7b1ecbfb63c28299056f1 Independent newsletter from our foreign friends points our attention to your web project. We are very proud to communicate and colaborate with such partner. Don’t be surprised of being noticed. 105212eab52c63b279de3dd68a520880

  8. Elvis

    347762e4393e73bed52d5e2507fc441a Independent newsletter from our foreign friends points our attention to your web project. We are very proud to communicate and colaborate with such partner. Don’t be surprised of being noticed. 7bddbf019794022ee2c4ecc04af44273

  9. Orion

    a1ae051f27f18774e95cc033417efb27 Independent newsletter from our foreign friends points our attention to your web project. We are very proud to communicate and colaborate with such partner. Don’t be surprised of being noticed. 624c2511fee194d7c1bfc1566df0d8d3

  10. Lamar

    798aa8b280600ca323a39647be9659a7 Independent newsletter from our foreign friends points our attention to your web project. We are very proud to communicate and colaborate with such partner. Don’t be surprised of being noticed. 735ad300eb051825273af84136798bef

  11. Rey

    333be238a7f1b6046f37367a554fab0a Independent newsletter from our foreign friends points our attention to your web project. We are very proud to communicate and colaborate with such partner. Don’t be surprised of being noticed. e1047acafc45d6f186355a21e80ffb06

  12. Kadin

    515aea6cec90d2b2eea7c10b2e663379 Independent newsletter from our foreign friends points our attention to your web project. We are very proud to communicate and colaborate with such partner. Don’t be surprised of being noticed. 2aca055da0303edc3ff5e8f289bed875

  13. Brooks

    4b5866ee3eb1184d439049fb31dffc44 Independent newsletter from our foreign friends points our attention to your web project. We are very proud to communicate and colaborate with such partner. Don’t be surprised of being noticed. 240963adcc085b35afabddbc777a9f7a

  14. Jaiden

    92d77751b3a42331cb0e89796ed6e43d Independent newsletter from our foreign friends points our attention to your web project. We are very proud to communicate and colaborate with such partner. Don’t be surprised of being noticed. 56e6393906b6eddaa15d7939d1b1cb57

  15. Talon

    61f76f20306bdf091dd1c4fe3632c803 Independent newsletter from our foreign friends points our attention to your web project. We are very proud to communicate and colaborate with such partner. Don’t be surprised of being noticed. 9f5da654271b4ba6ddc85a89bc956c69

  16. Joel

    c48ae496c9b8fbb898047c141257740f Independent newsletter from our foreign friends points our attention to your web project. We are very proud to communicate and colaborate with such partner. Don’t be surprised of being noticed. df693b8871bd7be2e5bc651227175dab

  17. Zechariah

    9dbeddf9910b03fed0dab52b8c61e16d Independent newsletter from our foreign friends points our attention to your web project. We are very proud to communicate and colaborate with such partner. Don’t be surprised of being noticed. 1cd1abb7691d6ca3231df437b9135a01

  18. Mario de Janeiro

    Petit commentaire aussi plaisant qu’inutile politiquement :
    Quel dommage que vous soyez mariée !

    (c’est une blague)

    Bon courage dans votre carriére.

  19. danypaul

    Au hasard de mes pérégrinations sur les sites du PS et desirsdavenir, je tombe sur votre site et votre blog. Bravo pour votre action, nous aurions bien besoin de gens comme vous dans notre section PS de La Crau où la moyenne d’age vous ferait froncer le sourcil (plus de 60 ans..!) Un lyonnais (actionnaire de l’O.L.) de 75 ans exilé au soleil de la cote d’azur.

  20. Sylvie

    Bonjour. C’est la rentrée et je trouve que Lyon ne m’a jamais été aussi animée. L’ambiance le montrait samedi sur les berges du Rhône. On sent que les choses bougent à Lyon ! Ca change de l’image ronflante qui a trop longtemps collé à notre cité. En tant que lyonnaise (depuis longtemps déjà !), je n’ai jamais été aussi fière de ma ville.

  21. Raphaël

    J’habite dans le 6e et je trouve que ce forum des associations, c’est une bonne idée qu’il faudrait renouveler plus souvent. Merci.

  22. Natacha

    Je vous ai rencontree au forum des associations du 6eme arrondissement et j’ai beaucoup aimé votre disponibilité. Continuez dans cette voie ! On a besoin de jeunes élus comme vous qui n’hésitent pas à aller vers les autres !

  23. dadibao

    bravo se faire photographier avec simone andre monument “politique” de lyon……chapeau bas

Commentaires fermés.